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Collaborative Women Visit the Darul Aman Mosque


Collaborative Women were incredibly lucky and were invited by our friends at the Ahmaddiyya Muslim Women’s group to take part in their Women’s general meeting at the Darul Aman Mosque based in Manchester.

A little history for you. The Ahmadiyya Muslims live and teach the Prophet Mohamed’s teachings of Love, Peace, Justice and Sanctity of Life. It is one of the largest Islam practising communities with communities in over 200 countries.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has built over 16,000 mosques, 600 schools, and 30 hospitals.

They are the only Islamic organisation to endorse the separation of mosque and state. Despite facing bitter faith-based persecution in numerous Muslim majority nations, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community continues to advocate for universal human rights for all religious and other persecuted minorities. It likewise invests heavily in women’s equality, education, and empowerment programs. Its members are among the most law-abiding, educated, and engaged Muslims in the world.

Georgia (our Housing manager and Domestic Violence Practitioner) and Seline (a Collaborative Women Board member) had a very humbling and amazing opportunity to be invited to hear verses of the Quran read and even better to be translated into English with some context and understanding behind the verses which was very lovely to listen to and be a part of.

One of our favourites was the prophet Mohamed who gave rights to all living things and to not to take for granted our health and our time. We felt that in the current world’s climate this is very apt to hear and feel.

It was an amazing learning opportunity for the two of us who are not of the muslim to faith to be included within their community and we truly thank the Ahmadiyya Women’s group for making us feel welcome and listening to us when we were asked to speak about what Collaborative Women’s is and why we want to reach to wider communities. We spoke about the opportunities we may have to further collaborate as the Ahmadiyya Women’s group came to help us at a fundraising event held at St Matthews Church in Stretford, Manchester.

Georgia and Selines public speaking is coming on in leaps and bounds!

We were then fed which Georgia and Seline happily tucked into and again we have to thank the generosity of including Georgia and Seline within their meal time.

The building is magnificent on the outside and when you go inside you suddenly feel an immense calm.

Thank you for having us and inviting us to be witness to your meeting, letting us speak to you about who we are and what we do! We felt that many of the ladies were very interested in what we had to say!

If anyone has an inclination to wanting to try something new and feeling peace we would encourage you to attend a meeting at the Darul Aman Mosque, Manchester and get involved with the Ahmadiyya Women’s Group.

Thank you,

Georgia & Seline



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